Six Reasons Why Your Business Blog Is Dead in the Water

There’s very little in the world more frustrating and indeed soul-destroying than investing heavily in a business blog, only for it to yield absolutely no fruit whatsoever. You worked hard, you made all the right moves (you thought) and yet you still came back with nothing…nada…zilch.Which begs the obvious question – what the hell went wrong? The basic premise of blogging isn’t exactly what you’d call rocket science, so how can it be possible to get it so very wrong?  six-reasons-why-your-business-blog-is-dead-in-the-waterWell, the simple answer comes in the form of multiple answers – as in a variety of ultra-common mistakes that can render any business blog redundant. So rather than tearing your hair out and giving up on the whole thing, have a quick think about whether you may just be guilty of one of these six business blogging blunders:Silly MistakesFirst of all, if you cannot confidently say that every single one of your blog posts was and is 100% flawless by way of spelling, grammar and general presentation, this is probably your answer. Ask yourself – would you continue buying s newspaper if its articles were riddled with silly mistakes? Of course you wouldn’t, you’d totally lose respect for it and buy something else.Forgetting Who It’s ForAnother enormously common mistake is forgetting who it is you are writing for, instead writing for yourself. Try to remember that even in the instance of content and info you yourself think is absolutely riveting, it might be nothing short of a yawn-fest for your readers. Put yourself in their shoes and write for them.Dipping in and Out One week you have plenty of time, so you penned a dozen posts. The next week you are incredibly busy, so you don’t pen any at all. These are exactly the kinds of inconsistencies that drive readers away from blogs as when it comes to engagement and long-term repeat interest, they need to know what’s coming, when it’s coming and what to expect in general.SEO Slipups Just as it’s inadvisable to completely overlook the importance of SEO when penning blog posts, you also want to make sure you don’t overdo it. If your posts smack of spam and there’s a clear double-agenda at work, your readers will spot it in a second and head for the hills.Sell, Sell, SellContrary to popular belief, you blog is NOT there to sell products or to advertise how great you are. Instead, it’s something of an on-going and regularly updated news feed, featuring various snippets and insights your readers will find useful or entertaining. If you try using your blog for sales purposes, it will fail…end of story.Quitting EarlyLast but not least, it’s completely unrealistic to expect any blog whatsoever to be the kind of overnight success story you probably like it to be. It can take a seriously long time for a blog to hit the big time – sometimes years – which in turn means that if you’re giving up on things after days or weeks, you didn’t even give the thing a fighting shot at succeeding.


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