Hard Stats and Facts to Illustrate the Value of UE Focus

Above and beyond absolutely everything else, web users respond well to a solid user experience. Which when you think about it isn’t exactly rocket science – why would they bother doing business with you or come back for a repeat visit, if they were entirely turned off by things the first time around?The trouble is, the ever-accelerating quest to show off, cut costs and outdo the competition in general has a tendency to lead so many down entirely the wrong path. Opinions and personal approaches to web design will always vary, but there’s really no disputing the way in which evidence paints a pretty clear picture.    hard-stats-and-facts-to-illustrate-the-value-of-ue-focusSo as far as today’s mainstream web user is concerned, what exactly should the modern business be concentrating on in order to reach peak potential?Instant ImpressionsWell, you may have heard that you don’t exactly have a great deal of time to make a strong first impression with your visitors. Nevertheless, you may not be aware of the fact that statistics show it takes literally 0.5 seconds on average for a visitor to form an opinion of who you are and what you do. It really is instantaneous – think about what happens the very second your landing page pops up.Ten-Second CountdownBut it doesn’t just stop there either, as we also know these days that you have no more than 10 seconds to well and truly convince the visitor to stick around, after which they will beat a hasty retreat if not entirely impressed. Suffice to say, the importance of conciseness and convenient presentation simply cannot be overstated.Information OverloadYou may have been warned on many occasions not to go too crazy with the written content. Nevertheless, you have quite a lot to say and therefore feel it necessary to publish plenty of text on each of your pages. Unfortunately, research suggests that approximately 75% of the written content on any given web page does not get read by any of your users. As such, there’s little to gain from publishing too much written content as only 25% of it is likely to be read anyway.Now or NeverThe vast majority of web users confidently proclaim that if they are turned off or dissatisfied by any website they visit, it will be the last time they bother with it. Worse still, a quite sizeable proportion of such jaded individuals will also actively encourage their own contacts to stay away from the site in question.It’s All About the VisualsIn terms of striking the right balance when it comes to content mix, it’s become apparent over recent years that consumers show significant preference to visual content, with written content in general taking a back seat. There is of course such a thing as overdoing it with the visuals, so once again it’s a case of striking the ideal balance.Paint it BlackLast but not least, it’s a curious phenomenon if ever there was one, but studies have proved the way in which websites with darker colour themes generally perform more successfully than their brighter, whiter counterparts. Statistically speaking, dark websites show the rather odd ability to reduce bounce rates, increase time per user spent on the website, boost overall page views and even positively influence site traffic in general.


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