Should I build backlinks quickly or slowly and why worry about it?

Many people get anxious to see their site climb the search engine results page as quickly as it possibly can. Some people think that they should add as many backlinks as they can as quickly as they can. They assume that this will help them to get higher rankings and more traffic to their site.While backlinks are a great way to increase ranking, building too many backlinks in a day can be detrimental to your site. The search engines are smart and can figure out which backlinks are legitimate and which are not. If you add hundreds of backlinks to your site in one day, the search engines will not recognize them as being human created. If the search engines think that a cheat-bot created the backlinks for your site, they may penalize you, and it could lead to a significant drop in ranking. It is a good idea to add roughly 20 to 25 backlinks to your site a day. This will allow the search engines to recognize that you are not trying to cheat the system and give you the rankings you want.It is important to realize that search engines cannot be fooled. They do not like to see large amounts added to one site a day because they prefer consistency. It is important for a site to have consistency with the backlinks they choose to use. They need to add close to the same number of links on a daily basis. If they choose not to enter backlinks every day, it could result in the site losing ranking.


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