How Can Twitter Benefit Your Business?

Twitter logo in 3D against a dark blue background

With such ferocious competition from all corners, is it really worth bothering with a Twitter strategy for your business? And what is the best way to get started? Particularly considering the hundreds of millions of users already dominating the platform worldwide.

In terms of competition, there is no disputing how congested Twitter really is. Towards the mid-stages of 2020, Twitter boasted an approximate daily audience of 152 million unique active users.

Its creators couldn’t have known it at the time, but Twitter’s popularity is attributed entirely to its simplicity. The world’s collective ‘instant gratification’ culture is always on the lookout for a fast and convenient way to consume content and engage with others.

As Twitter satisfies both of these requirements at the touch of a button, its superstardom was more or less guaranteed.

But how and why should you be using Twitter right now as a business marketing tool? Assuming you are just getting started with an entirely new Twitter account, what kinds of initial steps should you be taking to ensure a high-performance future on the platform?

Using Twitter for Business Marketing

The simplicity of Twitter is often what makes it such a daunting platform to get started with. Not only have you limited available characters to work with, but the average Twitter post disappears into the din within minutes of being published.

This means that unless your posts and content hit home right away, they are unlikely to have any real impact.

As is the case across all social networks, the key to making Twitter work for your business lies in first establishing your objectives.

A few examples of which could include any mix of the following:

  • Build your brand and gain exposure

  • Establish an engaged audience of followers

  • Communicate more seamlessly with your customers

  • Build a better business network

  • Successfully promote new products and services

  • Find and gain the interest of influencers

  • Become an all-round authority in your niche

Any and all of the above are possible by tailoring the content you publish and publishing it the right way.

Getting started on Twitter means acknowledging the importance of publishing consistently and continuously. Provide an ongoing feature of content your audience will respond to positively.

What Kind of Content to Publish on Twitter

Of course, the appropriateness of content types will vary from one business and strategy objective to the next. Nevertheless, there are several specific types of Twitter content that never fail to generate more interest than others.

Particularly when it comes to engagement and the likelihood of your content being shared, these are the categories of content that are currently proving most popular:

  • Relevant and unique video content

  • Blog posts discussing current topics and events

  • Eye-catching imagery and inspiring artwork

  • Interviews with influencers and experts in your field

  • Niche-relevant tutorials and ‘how-to’ guides

  • User-generated content

  • Questionnaires, surveys and Twitter polls

  • Infographics and creative visual content

  • Behind the scenes clips and videos

In all instances, the key to engagement on Twitter lies in providing the viewer with something of interest that they will want to share with others literally at a glance.

The specifics of your strategy will need to be tailored in accordance with your goals, but these are the primary categories of content to focus on when looking to build an audience and engage your followers on Twitter.


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