7 FAQs About Email Marketing

Closeup of mac screen with Gmail open, email marketing

Thinking about an email marketing strategy but not sure where to start?

Well, here is a short 101 guide to the most fundamental basics of email marketing. And how to make it work for your brand.

Q1: How Do You Do Email Marketing?

There are in principle just six simple steps involved in a successful email marketing campaign:

  1. Establish realistic goals and objectives

  2. Build a contacts list

  3. Learn about your audience and their expectations

  4. Create high-quality engaging content

  5. Make use of email automation tools (if needed)

  6. Assess your marketing campaign’s performance and optimise

You should approach all of this as an on-going cycle. That way, you can guarantee the continuous optimisation of your campaign.

Q2: How Do I Get Started with Email Marketing?

Assuming you are aware of what you want to achieve with your campaign, the first big step is to start building an email list. After all, you cannot initiate a successful email marketing strategy with no contacts to email.

Creating an email registration form on your website is a great place to start. As is posting sign-up instructions on your social media accounts and elsewhere.

Many brands find they’re able to grow enormous email lists through high-value gated content; that’s any content that requires the user to input their name and email address before they can access it. This content tends to be educational, is always incredibly valuable, and often free to access (after they give you that priceless email address that is!).

Don’t forget to reassure your subscribers that you have no intention of sending spam. And, of course, remind them of the many benefits of subscribing.

Q3: What Should I Include In The Emails I Send?

This really depends on your objectives. But usually there are two crucial things to remember when creating emails for marketing purposes:

  1. An engaging subject line is crucial

  2. Don’t try too hard to sell your products and services

Marketing emails are only effective when the recipient feels they are getting something valuable out of the deal. Insightful snippets, interesting information, exclusive discounts/deals – you get the idea.

Or even perhaps just a few friendly words from the sender with no other motive whatsoever. Don’t forget, this is content marketing, which means earning the right to sell.

Q4: How Could I Improve Engagement?

Email open rates are determined by the quality of the subject line. Make your email engaging enough and chances are your audience will want to open it.

Engagement is an entirely different matter.

If you want the recipient to take any action, you need to make them an offer they cannot refuse.

Discount codes, special offers, exclusive sneak previews - anything that can make them feel special and valued. Time-limited incentives could also be especially appealing, bringing a feeling of urgency into the matter. Never underestimate the power of FOMO.

Q5: What Email Structure and Layout Works Best?

Short answer - any structure and layout that suits mobile devices. You must compensate for the simple fact that most people open and view emails via mobile devices.

In addition, you should make the general purpose and primary points of your email clear at a glance. If the benefits are not made evident within a few seconds, readers will not bother reading the rest.

Q6: What Could Qualify As Spam?

Emails that are unsolicited are in general regarded as spam these days. So basically, avoid emailing anyone who hasn’t confirmed their interest in your communications.

Content that is inaccurate, misleading or irrelevant is also categorised as spam. As is bombarding your recipients with too many messages.

Consider the types of emails you yourself would be happy to receive. Anything you would like not to land in your email inbox is something you probably should not send to anyone else.

Q7: What Is Email Personalisation and Why Is It Important?

When it comes to email marketing, personalisation refers to the segmentation of your email audience and making sure the emails every recipient receives are as personal and relevant as possible to their preferences.

Personalisation plays an important role for one simple reason; it’s hard to find a generic email appealing or inspiring. Which is likely to make you feel like a statistic and not like a valued customer.

Irrespective of the effort and time involved therefore, personalisation is crucial for a successful email marketing strategy.


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