The Latest Digital Marketing Stats from December

The time has come for us to once again share a few interesting and important facts and figures regarding the world of digital marketing. This time, there are snippets in there regarding livestreaming, personalisation, the travel industry and more. 

So we would like to think, something for everyone…with a bit of luck!

Here is how things are looking at the moment in a few key areas of online marketing:

Live streaming is steadily growing in popularity

Firstly, data from new research suggests that live streaming is in the midst of a meteoric rise. When compared to the same period in 2020, the number of social media users using live streaming has increased by 8%. More than 25% of all Internet users have stated that they have engaged in at least one live streaming event on social media. 

72% of Internet users go to Amazon to research products

In spite of the fact that it might not be used for as many purchases, research suggests that Amazon is the number one place for researching products. In fact, nearly 72% of consumers stated that they use Amazon to research various products before purchasing them. 51 % declared that they use Amazon to compare product prices, while 26% stated they use the information available to read reviews, compare similar products and so on.  

Personalisation can generate 50% higher email open rates

There is strong evidence to confirm the importance of marketing email personalisation. Even when only the subject line is personalised, click-to-open rates are increased by nearly 60%. This would seem to suggest that anybody who is not using personalised email marketing is letting significant amount of money and time go to waste. 

Live TV is declining

While this trend is far from a new development, it has become clear that live TV is experiencing a faster decline than before. The CTA has reported that more than 50% of all millennials now watch streaming or recorded TV services than standard live TV. For people over 35%, nearly 35% prefer this time-shifted version of TV content. 

Millennials are responding better to sales outreach on social media

A study conducted by Bambu discovered that a large proportion of millennials often respond better to sales outreach that is performed using social media. 35% stated that they’d be more likely to purchase a product when industry news or product information are shared via social media - the percentage who prefer this kind of outreach having increased to nearly 50%.

Only 9% of consumers use traditional travel agents

Lastly, it appears that the long-predicted and inevitable demise of the High-Street travel agent has taken another big leap towards becoming a reality. According to recent research, just 9% of people actively booking holidays now visit a traditional travel agent in any way, shape and form. When it comes to younger audiences, the figure can fall to an even lower 4%. Nonetheless, the same research found that if High Street travel agents were to embrace modern technology and use virtual reality for example, nearly 50% said that they would revisit them once again.  


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