Simple Yet Effective Video Marketing Ideas

Chances are that by this stage in time, you are aware of the fact that online video is a pretty big deal. 500 million hours of video being watched on YouTube every day, 500 million Facebook users accessing video clips daily – numbers that really do speak for themselves.The simple point being that if you are not already capitalising on the value of video marketing, you’ve already fallen behind. On the plus side, this doesn’t mean that now isn’t a good time to do something about it. So if you are interested in breaking into the world of online video but are somewhat short on inspiration, what follows is a brief overview of five simple yet effective ideas to get you started:1 – Explainer videosFirst up, consumers in general are known to be approximately 400% more likely to view an explainer video from start to finish than to read a product description of comparator length. Not only this, but explainer videos are also known to be exponentially more influential. So really it could be as simple as taking your product/service descriptions and converting them into videos.2 – Video testimonialsThe power of testimonials is hardly a secret these days – video testimonials take things significantly further. This is basically a way of fully capitalising on the power of both social proof and effective video marketing at the same time. Written testimonials will always be great, but video testimonials take things to the next level.3 – Behind-the-scenes footageOne great way of engaging pretty much any target audience whatsoever is to take them behind-the-scenes for a privileged look at how you do business. Not just this, but also the human beings behind the brand – the people who make your business unique and stand out from the competition. This is the kind of video content that builds authority, trust and engagement in a big way.If you’re looking to humanise your brand (you should be), providing footage of your employees at work is a great way to do this. In the age of information, it’s easy to forget that people buy from other people, not faceless corporations. By giving some intimate glimpses of your company’s culture with video content, this helps to build trust.4 –Time-lapse videosAn extremely easy yet surprisingly powerful approach to video marketing is to try your hand at a little time-lapse video creation. Particularly if you happen to work in a relatively busy and open workplace, simply shooting an all-day time-lapse video to show your customers what you get up to during the average working day can be hugely effective.5 – Q&A sessionsLast but not least, while it’s always advisable and useful to have an FAQ section somewhere on your website, live Q&A sessions recorded and posted as video clips can be so much more convincing. While the average FAQ has a tendency to look a little like it has been copied and pasted from a textbook, video Q&A sessions come across as so much more personal and human. 


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