Another Handful of Web Marketing Statistics You Ought to Know

October has been a very generous month as far as the eConsultancy Internet Statistics Compendium is concerned. But then again, which month isn’t? It’s always interesting to see what goes on across the UK and beyond.So once again, we thought we’d share with you another handful of interesting digital marketing statistics from October, which for one reason or another you probably ought to know:27% Of Consumers Have No Brand Loyalty Whatsoever  marketing-statisticsFirst of all, while it was recently revealed that customer retention rates online have reached their highest average levels to date, exclusive brand loyalty is still comparatively rare. In fact, the DMA produced an infographic recently indicating that close to one-third (or 27%) of consumers have absolutely no brand loyalty whatsoever. As for specific ends of the market, it was found that as the price of goods and services increases, the likelihood of the consumer to display no brand loyalty at all likewise grows.Twitter Has Suspended 235,000 Accounts Since FebruaryEarly this year, Twitter pledged its commitment to wiping out (or at least reducing the number of) policy-violating accounts. And having been found to have done so in one way or another, they have terminated no less than 235,000 accounts since February. Compared to last year, 80% more suspensions are being implemented on a daily basis, suggesting that Twitter is having problems keeping up with the number of accounts being opened for illicit purposes.39% of People Rely on Mobile Devices When Making Purchase DecisionsOnce again, there’s been a significant increase in the number of consumers using their mobile devices and only their mobile devices to make purchasing decisions. According to a study carried out by xAd, the figure has now increased to a whopping 39%, in terms of those who consider their mobile devices to be the most important purchase research tools. In addition, 29% said they only used mobile devices to research products, while 56% buy products within one hour of researching them via mobile.SEO Agencies Are Being Culled for Missing TargetsArtios has been carrying out a study for some time now into exactly why SEO agencies are dropped by their clients. Unsurprisingly, they recently revealed that almost a third (29%) are let go due to having failed to achieve their promised targets. Even more worryingly, 25% of SEOs fired by their clients are terminated due to concerns regarding their choice of SEO strategies, while 15% are cut loose for using out-of-date SEO techniques.Back-to-School Shopping Online Up Once AgainWhen compared to the same period last year, Hitwise reports that online back-to-school spending has once again increased by a modest 2.6%. Well, modest unless you consider the fact that this equates to approximately 100 million additional shopping visits this year.Online Sales Growth Soars AgainLast but not least, online sales growth has once again soared to an impressive 20-month high due to generous discount and clearances. According to the IMRG Capgemini eRetail Sales Index, July saw year-on-year growth of a whopping 19%, which equated to the most impressive overall growth in online sales since the winter of 2014. 


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