New-Generation Blogging Trends – Big Changes Are Happening

If you’ve ever wondered what the face of business blogging will look like in years to come…well, let’s just say you aren’t the only one! It’s no secret these days that blogs have the potential to be the most powerful and beneficial business tools ever considered. But at the same time, the goal posts are constantly moving with respect to what does and does not make a successful business blog.So given the fact that there have been so many enormous changes over the last couple of years, what kinds of trends can we expect to change the face of blogging over the years to come?   new-generation-blogging-trends–big-changes-areh-appening1 – Greater Authority First of all, the fact that prominent bloggers all over the world are becoming go-to authorities in an endless variety of industries and specialism should tell you something about the way blogs are looked at. Research has shown that when it comes to influencing consumers, the public in general has as much trust in the thoughts and musings of bloggers as they have in personal recommendations from friends and family. The authority the blog holds is only expected to skyrocket going forward.2 – Total Mobile FocusRather than simply ‘ticking’ the mobile box as something of an afterthought, appealing to the mobile market is fast becoming the primary objective for businesses and bloggers alike. Blogging with mobile in mind means focusing on accessibility, conciseness and the fantastic ability to target your efforts in accordance with a meticulously refined target audience.3 – Page Views Take a BackseatThis is actually something that’s taking over in every web business arena, not just business blogging. The world is slowly but surely acknowledging the fact that page views and traffic mean absolutely nothing if engagement, interaction and conversions aren’t healthy. It is therefore inevitable that when it comes to studying key metrics, page views will inherently take a backseat to engagement.4 – Mixed MediaAnother trend that’s already beginning to filter into the way business blogs are handled right now is much more focused attention on mixed media. Video content in particular has proven to be uniquely powerful when used as a blogging tool and this is something that is guaranteed to continue accelerating for some time. In fact, it is estimated that by the turn of the decade, the overwhelming majority of all web content will be video.5 – Beyond BlogsAnother prediction foresees a future where blogs begin to look more like independent websites in their own right, as opposed to simple pages that sit in the background. It’s likely that blogs will still be attached to the primary websites of most businesses (as opposed to existing independently), but will come across as unique, rich and engaging entities of outstanding quality.6 – Blogs for BusinessLast but not least, it’s already true to say that more bloggers than ever before are treating their blogs like full-blown businesses – many of whom making an absolute fortune in the process. The success that so many newcomers have found in their blogging efforts proves outright that when a blog is approached like a business, it can be infinitely more valuable than a blog used simply to rant and babble.      


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