The Art of Conversion – Content That Counts

There’s a very big difference between content that converts and content that doesn’t. Not to put too fine a point on it, the latter is about as much use to your site as empty shelves are to a standard store – it just won’t bring you anything beneficial and has no real place being there. Nevertheless, SEO experts the world over continue to be faced with websites each and every day that are loaded with 99% filler, yet their owners don’t seem to have any idea why conversions aren’t being made.As with most things of benefit in the business world, creating content that counts isn’t easy and demands time, attention and expertise in equal measures. This is precisely why most reach out to the industry’s leading SEO specialists to take over the job, which has the very real potential to transform the fortunes of any business of any size.So, what is it that content needs to be or do in order to count and covert?     the-art-of-conversion–content-that-countsInstantly EngagingFirst and foremost, you need to engage readers instantly. Read a novel and it doesn’t matter if the real action doesn’t start until page 54 – this is not the case when it comes to a website. It needs to be the exact opposite and they need to know that they are in the right place from the moment they arrive. This means capturing their attention by catering to their desires and telling them precisely what it is that you do before you start waffling about anything else. If you can’t capture their attention in 30 seconds, you’ve lost them for good.Flawless in QualityIf you’re trying to build your name and your brand as something of an authority in any subject area, you will not get away with even a single inaccuracy or error. This applies to both the information you offer and the actual text itself – even a single typo can be enough to throw readers totally in the opposite direction. So, if it’s important enough to you, be sure to invest all the time and effort needed in making it 100% flawless.Problem SolvingYour readers aren’t on your site just for the sake of wasting time – they need something or have a problem that demands fixing, or at least bettering. As such, you need to get across precisely how and why what it is that you’re selling or providing can solve their problems or make their life better. Don’t expect them to work it out for themselves by going no further than factual descriptions – spell it out to them how much better off they’ll be with your help.ConciseAnd finally, instant gratification is the name of the game in the 21st century, which in the case of you and your website means giving your readers precisely what they want as fast as possible. As such, content must be kept concise with further pages added if you really need to waffle on about anything in great detail. Get to the point as quickly as you can and get your message across before doing anything else...end of story. 


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