The Simple Things That Can Transform Magento E-Commerce Sites

All over the web right now there are thousands of Magento e-commerce websites selling the same products for around the same prices – why therefore are some blistering success stories and others doomed to failure?Well, the simple answer is one of establishment and reputation as once you’ve earned a large and loyal fanbase that comes to you above all others, you’re pretty much golden. Of course, the key lies in getting said fanbase together in the first place which tends to be way easier said than done, though more often than not it’s the simplest of tweaks that can make the biggest combined difference imaginable.     the-simple-things-that-can-transform-magento-e-commerce-sitesHere’s a look at just a few examples of the small stuff that could potentially transform the favours of any Magento e-commerce website:Free PostageNothing in the world puts off the punters more than having to work out and add-on shipping charges…NOTHING! Even in cases where it’s actually in the buyer’s favour to choose a service that doesn’t offer free shipping, they’re naturally programmed to see the ‘Free Shipping’ banner and go for gold. It doesn’t matter how fair your shipping charges or general prices are either – free shipping is a must in every way.Guest Purchase OptionsAnother turn-off that’s just as painfully pointless is that of insisting that your customers sign up before making a purchase. Each day, billions of dollars get spent on impulse purchases online where the buyers just found it all too easy to hit the buy button and that was that. As such, to make them go through an annoying registration process means to rule out all manner of impulse purchases that could revolutionise your business.Special OffersYes, you’re offering great products for prices cheaper than the High Street, but so is everyone else on the web! As such, don’t ever forget the power of special offers, which even in the case of rather remedial deals can still make a huge difference both short and long-term.Loyalty RewardsHave you ever given thought to giving your shoppers a reason to come back time and time again? Maybe a free gift or a discount off their tenth purchase – some kind of loyalty scheme? The thing is, once a person has entered into a loyalty program and made at least a little progress, it’s difficult for them to walk away from it…which of course bodes well for you and your store!Share FeedbackLast but not least, even if you have an excellent feedback section somewhere on your site, you have to realise that not everyone is going to bother taking the time to visit it. As such, it’s a good idea to include snippets of relevant feedback all over your site and ideally concerning the specific products on the screen at the time. You want your reputation to grow, so be sure to show them how well you’ve served your customers in the past and what people have to say about you.   


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