Google Changes Highlight Importance of Domain Names

According to Google, ‘the display URL” (your domain name) can be an important factor in users deciding whether or not to click on your ad on the search site.

In fact, from now on, Google is going to start displaying the domain name in the headline on selected top placement ads, separated by a bar from the rest of the headline, with the full URL of the search result appearing as normal underneath the result.

This means that getting your domain registration right is even more vital - it is going to be right up there in large letters at the top of well-performing ads. So how should you go about picking the right domain registration for you?

Well, firstly think about words that really define the content or objective of the site.  Words should be commonly used terms, easy to type and spell, and easy to remember.

Avoid odd punctuations too; no random hyphens or numbers that cannot easily be spelled out or spoken aloud; there is no such thing as word of mouth recommendation if users cannot say or type the name!

Ideally, it should be as unique as you can make it (without resorting to weird and unusual spellings).  Make sure that it does not contain any brand names or any copyrighted terms by doing a simple search first.

Finally, be consistent across all your channels and branding.  When users see your brand somewhere, they are going to expect your domain name to be the same - or why would they believe it is you?


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