SEO Tip Of The Day - Get Traffic With CommentLuv

Get Traffic With Comments

We posted a quick question on the CommentLuv Facebook page and this is what we got back. Wow, I would definitely give this a read and implement it.Get traffic with CommentLuv posting on blogs!The absolute best way is to start to get traffic with making posts on your site saying that you have commentluv installed and then go out there and leave awesome comments on blogs that have commentluv making sure that the post you wrote about commentluv is included as your last blog post.A good place to start is a popular commentluv blog like, go to the guest bloggers category and READ THE ARTICLE and leave a relevant comment. It could be to ask the author a question about what they wrote or if you can add to the discussion then do so.You can be sure to get a reply from the author because guest bloggers on are awesome sauce to get traffic and other viewers and commenters will see your link and some will click through and leave comments on your site.When someone does leave a comment on your site, always always always reply (unless it is spam, delete those!) and click the last blog post link so they see in their stats that they are getting referrers from your site which encourages them to come back and leave more comments. Once you get to their site, if they have commentluv then you can leave a (good) comment in return.Rinse and repeat, it only takes from a few weeks to a month of consistent commenting on commentluv blogs and reciprocating comments left on your site to see a massive difference in the amount of traffic and comments you will get.

Some Useful Ways To Get Traffic CommentLuv Pointers

  • Never leave 'great post' or 'thanks!' comments, they don't get accepted.
  • Always READ THE ARTICLE that you're going to comment on, there is no shortcut to the comment form. You want people to read your blog? then you need to read theirs!
  • Always reply to comments on your own blog, if the comment is not worth replying to then ask yourself if the comment is worth leaving on your article.
  • Never never never spam or self promote (at least in the beginning of your commentluv journey).
  • Explore the last blog post links that you see when you visit other commentluv blogs, this is one of the best ways to find interesting new blogs.
  • Be nice! an old Buddhist saying goes , "If you want friends, you need to be friendly" so go out there and be friendly! if someone on a commentluv blog is stuck with something that you know about then give them the answer, if they don't know where to find something and you know where it is, tell them.

Get traffic with CommentLuv credits

Pivotal would like to thank and credit the CommentLuv Facebook administrator for this one. They gave this advice to an individual posting on their page! That is how dedicated they are. We are getting behind this one 100%. Lets see how it goes and hope we get traffic!


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SEO Tip Of The Day - Get More Traffic To Your Blog