Four (More) Ecommerce Trends Set to Dominate in 2021

We recently published a post detailing a selection of ecommerce trends predicted to dominate the landscape in 2021. Outlined in brief below, you’ll find several additional trends we’re expecting to see a great deal more of this year.

The spike in ecommerce activity brought about during 2020’s unfortunate events has transformed the face of ecommerce for millions of consumers worldwide.  From a business perspective, these are the kinds of trends and strategies that will need to be prioritised to capitalise on record demand throughout the course of 2021:

1. Dynamic Pricing Strategies

First up, the time has come to put an end to rigid pricing structures in most areas of online retail. Irrespective of what it is you sell and who you sell it to, you’ll fail to reach your target if it isn’t priced correctly.

Dynamic pricing means using the appropriate software and analytical insights to determine the most appropriate prices for your products. It also means reconsidering your pricing structure on a regular basis, in order to make adjustments where necessary.

Market demand, competitors’ pricing structures, product availability, manufacturing costs and so on – all subject to change and should be reflected in your own pricing strategy. 

2. Further Growth of Mobile Commerce 

The more sophisticated mobile technology becomes, the more confidence consumers have in mobile ecommerce. It’s currently projected that by the end of this year, approximately 75% of all ecommerce sales will originate from a mobile device of some kind. 

Just as importantly, around one-third of all consumers say that they’ll walk away without making a purchase and never return, where an online retailer isn’t mobile-friendly. The importance of mobile responsiveness and optimisation is nothing new, though has taken on new importance over the past 12 months.

Anything you can do to provide a smoother and more seamless experience for mobile shoppers is something you should be doing. Even if it means bringing in outside help, it’s a small price to pay to ensure you appeal to the largest group of customers on the web.

3. The Influence of Sustainability Will Intensify

Research suggests that more consumers than ever before (around 65%) prioritise brands that champion sustainability. This means that given the choice, the vast majority of consumers will choose eco-conscious sellers and service providers over their counterparts.

Most of the world’s biggest and most successful ecommerce brands already introduce sustainable practices and publicise their commitment to the environment. Typical examples include the use of recycled packaging, sourcing products and materials as responsibly as possible, reducing their carbon footprint and so on. All of which have been proven to significantly boost the appeal of an ecommerce brand in the eyes of today’s eco-conscious consumer.

The key point of importance here being not just to step up your eco efforts, but to make a song and dance about them. If you’re doing something for the benefit of the planet in general, it’s something worth shouting about in your marketing messages.

4. An Era of Visual Commerce 

Last but not least, visual commerce is a self-explanatory evolution of traditional ecommerce. Rather than relying on conventional product descriptions, you let the stunning pictures of your products do the talking.

Impeccable imagery of the highest quality is essential – optional 360-degree images and video clips can also help. Lifestyle imagery of your products in use can be particularly powerful, as can user-generated content in which real-life customers showcase your products visually.

Traditional product descriptions continue to play a role of importance, though are beginning to take a backseat to the power and influence of effective visual commerce.


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