Five Tips for More Successful Facebook Marketing

Contrary to popular belief, the formula for successful Facebook marketing really isn’t rocket science. Nor is it something that necessarily calls for expert intervention.

Across the board, the key to success on social media in general means getting to know your target audience. After which, it’s simply a case of establishing their expectations and either meeting or exceeding them. A simple formula, but one that nonetheless eludes the vast majority of online businesses.

Luckily, the basic principles of successful Facebook marketing can be summarised in seven simple best-practice guidelines. Irrespective of the size and type of business you run, these are the five tips that guarantee a more successful Facebook marketing strategy and an improved ROI:

  1. Consider who you are targeting

Nothing matters more than clearly defining who it is you intend to reach with your ads. This means creating a detailed profile of your perfect customer, thinking carefully about where, when and how to reach them in an engaging and impactful manner. Having a clearly defined audience paves the way for effective ads and a successful Facebook marketing campaign. That said, there is such a thing as narrowing things down too much, so try not to get carried away in the process.

  1. Improve the quality of your copy

Most Facebook ads and marketing strategies in general are predominantly visual in nature. Think about it – when did you last come across a Facebook ad that featured nothing but written copy? Focusing on eye-catching and original imagery is the way to go, but you also need to focus heavily on the quality of your copy. Nothing can dilute the appeal of a quality image quite like an accompanying caption or CTA that’s poorly written. Think of the visual as the initial attention-grabber – the written copy is the subsequent deal-sealer. Both of which need to be of impeccable quality.

  1. Capitalise on the power of video

Second only to YouTube, Facebook is one of the most popular and influential video sharing platforms in the world. Evidence also suggests that video content is exponentially more powerful and engaging than any other type of Facebook marketing content. Producing and publishing quality videos may require a heavier investment of time and effort, but is guaranteed to pay dividends if you get it right. Just remember that the first 10 seconds of any Facebook video ad are the most important of all, typically making or breaking the entire video.

  1. Monitor your performance constantly

Detailed analytics are readily available, so there’s no excuse for not monitoring the performance of your ads continuously. These days, it’s possible to see how each and every ad you publish on Facebook is performing in real-time. If it’s delivering the required results, work on taking things a step further. If it’s not getting the job done as planned, implement the necessary fixes and test alternative solutions. Facebook marketing is quite the opposite of a ‘set it and forget it’ task. The more closely you monitor the performance of your ads, the bigger the resulting payoff.

  1. Keep your objectives in mind

Last but not least, a Facebook marketing strategy should never be implemented without a clear objective in mind. For some, the goal is to generate more sales and make more money. For others, brand awareness and positive PR are far more important. Throughout the planning, implementation, monitoring and optimisation phases alike, everything you do should be engineered with your objectives in mind. Establish goals, identify the most important KPIs for your business and ensure your Facebook marketing spend is allocated appropriately.


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