Four SEO Reasons to Launch a Business Blog

From a marketing perspective, launching a business blog comes highly recommended. The benefits of business blogging are as wide reaching as they are accessible. Both for keeping your customers informed and enhancing your authority, a blog is essential. 

Nevertheless, the potential SEO benefits of business blogging are often overlooked. As part of a wider SEOstrategy, a good business blog has the potential to prove uniquely beneficial. All that at a significantly lower price than most comparable tools/techniques.

Here are four guaranteed ways a business blog will take your SEOstrategy to an entirely higher level:

Additional Ranking Opportunities

First and foremost, search engine spiders take into account each and every individual page of your website. This means that the more pages you have featuring high quality content, the better. Quality is of course a key determining factor, but quantity also matters. When optimising your site for search engines, there’s no such thing as having too much high quality content.  

However, populating a typical website with high quantities of quality content can be tricky. Business blogging provides a solution, enabling you to enrich your site with limitless content of the highest quality. Use your blog posts to expand and diversify your static site content and capitalise on additional ranking opportunities. 

Inbound Links

High-quality blog posts are also essential for generating inbound links. The higher the quality of the content, the greater the likelihood of earning premium backlinks from third-party websites. If you provide posts that are valuable, unique and sharable, it’s far more likely that those reading them will post backlinks of their own accord. 

Of course, there’s also the option of approaching those within your industry directly. Simply contact websites within your niche and ask them if they’d be happy to link to your content. But in all instances, you’ll need to give them a reason to do so. After all, it’s their reputation on the line by linking to your content. Something you can’t expect them to do, unless your content is worth linking to. 


Among the biggest benefits of business bloggingis the possibility of total self-management. Realistically, there’s no better-positioned person to write your blog posts than you. You understand your business, you know your niche and you also know your target audience. Hence, if you don’t want to hire help, there may be no need to.  

Most of the benefits of business bloggingcentre on cost-effectiveness and profitability. An investment of time and effort is required, but a business blog can be operated at little to no expense. Irrespective of your SEO budget’s confines, a good business blog could deliver an unbeatable ROI. All while saving you money to allocate elsewhere.

The Freshness Factor 
Last but not least, every major search engine shows strong preference to regularly updated websites. That being, sites that are dynamic and contain as much ‘fresh’ content as possible. Websites that constantly strive for on-going improvement and provide their target audiences with a steady stream of useful content always top the rankings.  

Relevant and regularly updated content is a prerequisite - both of which are satisfied by blogging. But it’s important to remember what publishing quality content is all about. Your priority should never be the search engines - it should be your readers. Nevertheless, get it right with your blog and you’ll earn the approval of both. 

Of course, the above benefits of business bloggingonly apply when a business blog is prioritised. It isn’t simply a case of throwing random, potentially low-grade content out on a regular basis. At least, not if you expect it to gain any real traction. Nevertheless, put in the necessary time and your business blog will soon begin delivering tangible results. If you’re unable to handle things in-house, consider outsourcing to a third party. Irrespective of the costs of doing so, a good business blog can deliver an excellent and ongoing ROI. 


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