SEO Ranked Number One Small Business Investment for 2014

To be told you need SEO is a bit like being told to breathe in and out – obvious to the point of condescension. However, there are still thousands of businesses completely shunning the idea of optimising their websites having decided they really don’t need it to get by or labeled it an expense they really can’t afford. This is particularly true with smaller businesses and startups for which every penny counts in a big way.Nevertheless, SEO has been singled out by industry experts as the number one business investment for smaller and newer enterprises this year – above and beyond all other marketing measures. Why? Well, it’s all about the contribution the right SEO can make to the expose and success of any business, if handled in the right way.   seo-ranked-number-one-small-business-investment-for-2014Here’s an overview of just a few of the reasons why small business investment SEO isn’t just beneficial, it’s mandatory:1 – SEO’s ROI is UnrivalledStatistics have shown that of all the various marketing mediums and methods available to small businesses, none deliver a better ROI that SEO. This of course demands expert SEO handling of the highest order and is the very reason why bottom-run SEO must be avoided. Go for higher-end involvement and no matter what you put in, you’ll get way more out.2 – It’s Still Very Effective Some argue that SEO is not as good as it used to be when it comes to climbing the rankings – a claim that’s only true if you’re going about your strategy completely wrong. Beneficial SEO elements have changed over the years, but what hasn’t changed is how the right elements will still prove very effective in getting you and your business to a higher level.3 – SEO is Here to StayJust as long as there are search engines pointing us in the direction of what we want to find, there will be a need for SEO. And as search engines are growing in power year after year, so too is the potential for SEO to help a small business for the long term. The quicker you get in at ground level, the better.4 – Your Rivals Use SEOMost of your rival businesses are already using SEO, which in turn means that if you don’t follow suit you are handing them a distinct advantage. What’s more, if you are already outperforming your competition, this does not mean the time has come to sit back and revel in your victory. Once you’re ahead, staying ahead can actually be more difficult than getting there in the first place.5 – Mobile is MassiveLast but not least, SEO is of critical importance to win the business of mobile web users – a contingency that has already overtaken desktop web users in some key markets. As such, to shun SEO you run the risk of cutting off over half of your target audience as a whole and the numbers are only going to keep getting more severe as time moves forward. 


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