Shoot the Pigeon – Coping with Google’s Pigeon Update

Generally speaking there are two common reactions to Google’s major algorithm changes – you either have no idea they’ve hit or you fly face-first into a blind panic. As such, it’s no surprise that the exact same thing happened over recent weeks when Pigeon hit – some have gone into something of a freefall while others are quite literally learning about it for the very first time.Of course, those that didn’t notice a thing are the lucky ones and have clearly gotten by without sustaining any real damage at all. By contrast, the other side of the fence now faces that inherently gloomy period in which a fight-back must be made, which is made all the more difficult when you’re trying to do so blindfolded.After all, it’s not as if Google is ever likely to hand out a list of SEO instructions following an algorithm change.Pooped On By the Pigeon?    shoot-the-pigeon–coping-with-google-pigeon-updateThis was undoubtedly one pigeon by which nobody would consider it lucky to get pooped on. Instead, there’s a bit of a frenzy going on as thousands chase for answers as for what to do next and how to limit any further damage being inflicted.Which is where the problem lies – nobody really knows what to do next as we’re still learning what Google Pigeon is all about! Still, it’s not all doom and gloom as in the few short weeks since it set up roost, we’ve at least learned through the unfortunate detriment of some a few insights into what it’s all about.For example, we do know that Google Pigeon:

  • Only applies to US queries in US English
  • Does not amount to a steeper system of penalties and punishments
  • Has increased Google’s offensive against duplicate listings
  • Has reduced the search radius for local queries
  • Gives more credit than ever before to sites and services in local directories
  • Hasn’t yet really made its full impact known and still seems to be hitting its stride

That’s Great, So What Do We Do?Admittedly, all of the above isn’t all that helpful in terms of taking the next steps. So for those looking to fight back against the winged wonder that seems to have dealt them a negative blow, for the time being its best to follow a softly-softly approach rather than flying off the handle.For example, the rules of local SEO haven’t changed and neither have those of wider SEO in general. If you created brilliant content that’s of genuine interest and market it to a specific locality, chances are you’ll do fine in the long-run. Now is also the time to make sure you’re appearing in all popular local directories, have an optimised Google My Business listing and are doing your best to rake in genuine feedback.As for whether or no Pigeon has in any way changed local searches from a mobile standpoint, we’re still waiting for conclusive data to roll in but it’s pretty safe to say that mobile will continue to play a Pivotal role in the success or otherwise of your local SEO drive. 


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