Three Reasons Why Too Much Google Focus Could Be Your Downfall

The fact that Google has the power to make or break any business often leads to the conclusion that it is the be all and end all of the online business world. Well, it isn’t – in fact it’s nothing of the sort. Google may be the biggest and most powerful search engine out there, but it doesn’t exist in a vacuum and nor does it maintain total control over every single consumer and business out there.The problem is, millions of us treat it like it does, and hence its power grows as too does our apparent dependency.     three-reasons-why-too-much-google-focus-could-be-your-downfallAsk any of the world’s most respected SEO specialist and they will all tell you the same thing – too much love for Google will kill you, every time. It’s really never been more important to break the habit of spending all your time, money and effort on trying to please Google as over the long term you’re really just making it worse for yourself.Think of it along the same lines as the ‘all eggs in one basket’ analogy – the more eggs you invest in Google, the more you have to lose.Here’s a look at the three main reasons why SEO experts advise very much against focusing exclusively on Google with anything you do for your business:Zero Loyalty to You or Yours Right off the bat, unless you’ve partnered up with Google and are paying them a small fortune, never fall into the trap of assuming they have any loyalty to you or even care about you…they don’t. Never have, never will. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but Google exists for the sake of Google and will never do you the kindness of looking after you and yours just for the sake of it. Why should they? If they want to destroy your business and your life overnight for little to no reason with complete removal from the rankings, what’s to stop them? It’s a scary amount of power they have – power you choose to give them.Goalposts Moving All the TimeIn addition, Google has a habit of moving the goalposts all the time in terms of what can and will make your site sink or sail. Follow the rules one day and you could be breaking them the next – all without meaning to and with any number of punishments to follow. And of course, you won’t be given an explanation, an apology or a way of clawing back to your prior post – it’s often a case of game over.You’re Selling Yourself ShortAnd finally, to dedicate yourself exclusively to Google is to well and truly sell yourself short. They may be the biggest, but there are so many other search engines and social networks out there with hundreds of millions of readers and subscribers also looking for a business to spend their money with. It’s perfectly possible to build and maintain a massive consumer base without ever going anywhere near Google – so why invest all of your efforts in one search engine? 


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