Five Killer WordPress Themes

We’re fast approaching the half-way point of the year which most would admit is a rather scary thought. Six months until Christmas? It’s enough to make your blood run cold!Still, it’s the perfect time to take a good look at what’s been making waves for the year so far by way of the best WordPress Themes out there. Now, we’re of course aware of the fact that many of the factors that go into deciding the ‘best’ of anything in the world of WordPress come down to personal opinion and the purpose of the website. As for us at Pivotal Hosting, we’re approached for advice primarily by online businesses, which in turn means that we tweak and tailor our top picks with corporate sites in mind…generally of small to medium size.    five-killer-wordpress-themesAnd with this in mind, what follows is a quick look at five of the best WordPress themes we’re more than happy to put our recommendation to. Please do be aware that we’re in no way affiliated with WP…we just like to share our two cents on what’s hot right now!TimeTurnerAnyone on the market for building a new blog, improving their existing blog or maybe starting an online portfolio of work could do a hell of a lot worse than give TimeTurner a try. First and foremost, it’s important to point out that TimeTurner is fully responsive so no matter what you use your site for, it will appear just as high-end on smartphones and tablet PCs as on a standard PC screen. There are 220 fonts to play with, three lovely colour schemes and a ton of customisation options – a fair few languages too.As for what makes it special, TimeTurner is more about binning-off any OTT frills and garnishes to favour classic elegance.SKT Full WidthProbably one of the best WordPress themes on the market right now for any business where visuals count above and beyond all, SKT Full Width is all about showing off photos, graphics and other images. Text is optional, but SKT Full Width focuses mostly on presenting high-quality imagery across the full width of the screen – a brilliant theme to try out if running a photography website, building an art portfolio or really running any other kind of site that’s image-heavy.And once again, it’s fully responsive so there’s no need to sell short your mobile visitors!TeslaTesla has been offered both as a free theme and a paid premium theme this year, but in either guise it’s worth checking out. It’s a richly-featured all in one responsive theme that’s ideal for pretty much any purpose at all. You’d be just as at home with Tesla for building a corporate website as you would for a project portfolio or even a charity effort.InkNessAnother responsive theme to try out is InkNess, which follows a classic three-column layout and offers huge scope for customisation. It’s a purely minimalist theme that’s all about diverting all attention to the content of the site and ensures whatever you feature looks amazing on any device across the board.Catch KathmanduA great theme to choose if you’d prefer an understated theme that lets your content really sing, Catch Kathmandu can be massively customised and focuses on the use of high-quality imagery. 


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