Landing Pages – Content That Converts

It’s both interesting and alarming to think that even if your website has a thousand pages of world-class content, it all comes down to the single landing page as to whether or not a visitor will be converted. Research has proved that from the moment a visitor hits your landing page for the first time, you have somewhere in the region of 30 seconds to grab their attention and effectively secure the sale. It doesn’t matter if on the second page you were to offer them $5,000 just for clicking a button – they’ll never even see your offer if you can’t get them to go beyond the landing page in the first place.     landing-pages–content-that-convertsThis is why no matter whether you look after the process yourself or go down the SEO outsource route, you need to focus more on your landing pages than almost anything else across your whole website. As mentioned, you have about 30 seconds or so to get it right, so how exactly can you make sure you hook their attention and hold onto it?Titles and SubtitlesAs with pretty much anything you will ever read in the course of your life, it is the title you give to your content that will determine whether or not anyone reads on. You have to remember that they have come to your website for a reason and have some kind of a problem to be solved or question to be answered. So, you need to make sure that your title refers directly to the reason they have come to your site in the first place – anything too cryptic, convoluted or irrelevant to the subject will see them heading for the hills in an instant.An Immediate SolutionFollowing on from the title, you need to remain with the theme of solving the problem or answering the question they came with. For example, if you were to start off by saying “The history of the vacuum cleaner dates back to…” then chances are this is as far as they will read. To the contrary, use something like “This revolutionary new vacuum cleaner filter is clinically proven to relieve allergies” for example and you’re immediately telling them what it is you have to offer, and so will keep their attention where you want it. There will be plenty of time for waffling later on!Concise Content Speaking of waffling, even if you follow the above tip and kick off your landing pages in style, you’ll ruin everything if you present thousands of words of unbroken text. Your landing pages must under all circumstances be concise, to the point and easy to digest. Even seeing large blocks of unbroken text can be enough to send readers running for the hills, so save it for later.Easy to Move OnAnd finally, it’s all well and good grabbing their attention and making them curious, but another to make it easy for them to move on to where they want to go next. Can they get straight to the purchase page or the contact page, or do you first force them to read through reams of text before finding the links they’re looking for.  


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