Can An ‘About Us’ Page Convert? It Sure Can – Here’s How

If there’s one page of the average website that gets overlooked more than any other, it’s that old faithful – the ‘About Us’ page. Usually left as something of an afterthought to be thrown together when time suits, it’s seen by most businesses as little more than a way of bulking the site up with a bit of additional spiel.What they don’t seem to realise is how an ‘About Us’ page has the potential to be a hugely powerful asset to your site that brings in a ton of additional conversions.    can-An-‘About Us’-page-convert-it-sure-can–here’s-howSo once you’ve got your site together and you’re ready to get it up and running, spare a thought for the following key attributes of an effective ‘About Us’ page that might just make a huge difference to your site as a whole:A Focus On the “You” Not the “We”Ok, so the point of the page is to tell your readers something about you, but it’s important to do this in a way that doesn’t cross the line into shameless self-promotion. As such, everything you say must be tailored in such a way as to make sure it in some way resonates with the reader as being about them. Say what you do, but focus on how it benefits your customers. Say what you believe in, but frame it with why your beliefs are formed with your clients in mind.Clearly Communicate Promises and GuaranteesAssuming you offer a certain number of guarantees and promises to you customers…which of course you should be doing…it’s important to make sure these appear clearly and concisely on your ‘About Us’ page. The trick is to get them across in more of a “We care” context than a “Here’s a reason to sign up now” approach – the former is always the most likely to strike a chord. And if you have something of a company motto or founding principle that’s all about your customers, you should find a place for this on the page too.Appeal to EmotionsA page of factual spiel won’t be particularly effective – something of a story that appeals to the reader’s emotions on the other hand is a different matter entirely. You could for example use your ‘About Us’ page to tell a very short story about how what you do has helped a person, a group of people or even the whole world. Don’t cross the line into pretentiousness or go preaching too aggressively, but step away from robotic text into truly humanized emotional speech and you’ll be on the right lines.Make it Easy to ActAnd finally, never overlook the importance of making it easy for your readers to take the next step, should your ‘About Us’ page have convinced them to do so. If they have to navigate back through any number of other pages for them to sign up, make a purchase or take you up on your offer, chances are they might not bother. So while ensuring you keep subtlety in mind at all times, be sure to include CTA buttons where appropriate.    


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