Why Your Content Isn’t Converting

Any content anywhere across your website that doesn’t assist in converting readers is just filler…plain and simple. For all intents and purposes, if it isn’t converting your readers, then it might as well be written in a foreign language and even then make no sense whatsoever. In the world of the online business, content doesn’t exist to entertain or educate – its primary purpose is to convert and thus bring your business the income it needs to survive…end of story.This is precisely why it’s always so depressing to come across thousands of websites where it looks as though the content as a whole has been thrown together with zero thought in the shortest time possible, just for the sake of bulking the thing out. And indeed it succeeds in that area – bulking out – but in terms of conversions, not so much. So even if the content was written as cheaply and quickly as possible to save precious money for the business, it’s still a waste as it won’t be of any use.     why-your-content-isn’t-convertingSo if it’s looking like the content on your website isn’t converting and you have no idea why, here are a few tips from the SEOspecialists that could set you back on the right path:It Isn’t CurrentFirst up, there aren’t many folk that like to read yesterday’s news and this applies to websites too. As such, if the content of your website seems painfully dated and isn’t right on the cutting-edge of what’s new and current in your industry area, chances are you won’t win over any of your readers. It’s all about telling something they don’t already know, which means remaining current at all time.It Isn’t RelevantAnother tip SEOspecialists swear by is that of relevance – are you sticking close to the heart of the subject/industry, or are you waffling off on something of a tangent? You’re a spokesperson and an authority for your niche, which means it’s up to you to stay on topic at all times and make sure the content you offer is all relevant.It’s All RegurgitatedSimilar to the first point, you’re also unlikely to win anyone over if all or most of the stuff across your website is pretty much regurgitated from those of other businesses and authorities. It doesn’t matter how technically relevant or current it is, if you simply lift the work of others over to your own site you’ll be seen as a business with no knowledge of your own to share and thus no authority.Its Quality Is FlawedProbably the simplest of all to understand – if the content on your site is flawed in its quality, you won’t be taken seriously. From spelling mistakes to poor grammar to generally flawed use of the English language, if you want to be seen as an authority to trust, make the necessary effort with your content.There’s Too MuchAnd finally, another key reason for content failing to convert is that there may just be way too much of it. Readers aren’t going to rifle through thousands of lines of text to find the one-line point you’re trying to make – they’ll just go and seek out the info somewhere else. 


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