Beating Blog Writer’s Block – Seeking Inspiration…and Fast!

A notepad with 'blog' written on it, resting on a computer keyboard

So you’ve got your website together, chosen the perfect hosting package and begun looking forward to a bright and successful future. That’s until you find yourself facing one of the most common, annoying and downright debilitating afflictions a website owner can be struck down with…writer’s block.

Now, admittedly it’s a different kind of writer’s block to that of a person penning their first nine-part fantasy novel series, but it’s nonetheless very real, very common and very problematic.

Blog writers most of all are affected by content writer’s block for the simple reason that they need to be able to churn out excellent content that’s both relevant and engaging on a pretty constant basis. Refreshing a website once a year is one thing – coming up with new blog content every day is another.

The good news is there are plenty of ways and means by which you can beat this kind of writer’s block into the ground with a big stick and bury it for good – inspiration is always out there and you need only know where to look for it!

Branch Out a Little

For example, you may be running a website security consultancy, but this doesn’t mean that your blog needs to be 100% focused on this and only this. Remain within your niche as much as possible, but don’t limit yourself to such a specific subject that you run out of things to say more often than not. If it’s web security, branch out to general IT and perhaps consumer electronics. If you’re all about interior design, maybe a little building news. Variety is after all the spice of life, or so they say!

Comment On the Day’s News or Events

Whatever your niche, chances are a quick web search will bring up a fair few current events of relevance from all over the world. Now, you could do as your rivals do and reprint these on your blog, or you could go a different way and share your thoughts, comments and opinions on the story instead. Reading a story doesn’t usually trigger discussion – reading another person’s opinion on the story however is a much more powerful conversation starter, so use it!

Invent a Weekly Feature

It could be a quiz, a competition, a Q&A session or really anything else you can think of – introduce a weekly or monthly feature to your blog and not only can you plan well ahead for a solid day’s content, but you also give your readers something to look forward to and they’re more likely to keep coming back. Blogging always has to be on the cutting-edge – regular features like this to some extent let you cheat on the rule.

Review or Rate Something

And finally, it’s so easy and effective it’s almost a cop-out, but reviews can add some serious credibility and authority to your blog. No matter what niche you’re in, it’s easy enough to take a product, a service or a brand of relevance and review it. Share this with your readers and not only will they keep coming back for more, but they’ll also start to turn to you as something of a figurehead of knowledge and wisdom for the industry you’re in…pure gold! 


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