Five Big Blunders to Avoid When Choosing a Web Hosting Service

Like most things in life and ALL things in the business world, there’s a right and a wrong way to go about choosing a web hosting service. Get it right and you’re problem-free for years – get it wrong and you’re heading for a bigger pile of unpleasantness than you could possibly realise.  Five Big Blunders to Avoid When Choosing a Web Hosting ServiceOf course, time has taught us that there will always be those insisting on diving in head first without giving the matter a second thought – shockingly these are also the ones that come out smelling of anything but roses. So with this in mind, what follows is a list of five of the biggest mistakes you can possibly make when it comes to choosing a web hosting company from the options on offer to you:Thinking Price is EverythingIf you strike a deal based exclusively on price, you’re heading for trouble already. Now, there’s nothing wrong with making price an important factor in the decision making process, but to buy based on the price of the package alone is to completely miss the point of it all. Hosting services aren’t given away for free and while there are some real bargains to be found, your common sense should tell you that things that seem too good to be true almost always are. Price isn’t everything – dig a little deeper.Being Fooled By Promises of Unlimited ServicesThere’s no need to be deeply suspicious every time you find yourself being offered so-called unlimited services, but at the same time you need to understand that this kind of freedom doesn’t come cheap. As such, if you’re looking to sign up for a package that costs next to nothing, there’s a good chance things aren’t quite as they appear. What’s more, if the ‘unlimited’ promise comes with ream after ream of small print, it’s highly likely that you’ll end up paying way more than you thought when you go over your data allowance.Using a Random ApproachJust as is the case with all purchases in life, you’ll only get what you want if you know exactly what you want prior to going out and looking for it. Not knowing what you want is a bit like going to the supermarket while hungry or going to buy a motorbike without knowing one end for the other – you’ll come home with a whole bunch of regrets. Establish exactly what you want before you start looking for it.Overlooking the Importance of SupportIt’s a simple one really – they may claim to have a ‘winning’ support time, but if you don’t actually check what this means, it might well mean a reply guaranteed within a week…in broken English. Check for sure what exactly is meant by any description they give and verify this with feedback.Not Looking Into Feedback Deeply EnoughSpeaking of which, the final pointer is that of consulting plenty of feedback and NOT only the testimonials the provider shares via its own website. You need a fair and unbiased overview of how they perform in the real world, which can only be obtained by spending time reading up on and weighing up all available feedback. 


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