Why You Should Write a Descriptive Meta Description

A Meta description is a short, informational blurb that is shown to someone when they search for words through a search engine. A good Meta description will be at least 150 characters in length. It should let the users know what information is going to be seen on each page. Keywords need to be used to insure that someone knows that the words or phrases they need are on the page.It is important for a site owner to use the Meta descriptions to their advantage. They need to be catchy, relevant, and keyword related. The Meta descriptions should cause the searcher to want to click on that specific link over all the other options that are available. Each page on a site needs to have their own unique Meta description. This will allow many different Meta descriptions to show when different keywords are searched.When choosing Meta descriptions for a site, it is a good idea to take the time to look at Meta descriptions from competing sites. You will want to be sure that y our Meta description is unique and more eye catching than the other sites. This is a great way to be sure that you get the most clicks possible and that your site moves up in rank in a rather short period of time. The search engines do not give any bearing to the Meta descriptions that are provided when they are assigning ranking. The information provided on the site and the visitors that come to the site are important and can be greatly affected by the Meta descriptions that are provided.


How to Format Your Keywords to Stand Out from Other Content


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