Should I use Article Spinners or Not?

Article spinners often sound like a great option to get more content to your site without having to pay for new content to be written. Many of the article spinning programs claim that they will be able to completely spin content and that it will be completely readable and pass any plagiarism detector. While many of the article spinners will change the content, the content that is produced is often not understandable, is disorganized, and often unreadable.Article spinners typically give you the option to spin the content word-by-word, line-by-line, or paragraph-by-paragraph. The word-by-word option will swap out similar words for the words that are used in the content. An example is swapping “house” for “home” or “residence.” For certain words swapping each word cannot really change the content too much but when the spinner changes every word in the article or most of the words in the article, it can make for a jumbled mess that can make your site useless. If you have content that you want “spun” the best option is to hire someone to rewrite the content or rewrite it yourself. Writers will typically rewrite content in a very short amount of time and charge close to the same rate as you would be paying to have the article spun through the article spinner. They will produce content that makes sense and is useful rather than swapping words and creating a chaotic mess that cannot be read, understood, or used on your site.


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