Use your Sites Hierarchy to Divvy Out Link Authority

More pages on a website are good for seo, and minimizing the user journey to as little clicks as possible increases the user experience and makes the site easier to use. It is also good seo to minimize the number of links on any page to maintain page authority. As an seo you have to find a happy medium, which isn't always easy.The best way to achieve a nice half way point is to create a link on each page of your site taking the user back to your home page. Your websites root will almost certainly have the lions share of authority and this will show the search engines that your index is the most important page on your site.Then the next best step is to link from the home page, only to the most important pages on your website. These can be blog categories, product categories or tables of contents depending on your site and it's demographic. You can then link from these secondary pages to relevant content and have that content have links to each other. A bit like the 'other customers bought' or 'you might also like' that you see on many websites. If you have to create tertiary links on your homepage, for example in drop down menus, a good idea is to use JavaScript to show the extra links on rollover as many search spiders have this turned off and the links wont get crawled (by the same token, don't use JavaScript when you want links to be crawled and I will go into more detail about this another time).If you can help it, keep your terms and conditions, delivery and returns text and links away from your home page or at least use a no-follow on them from the homepage. Instead link to these when they are relevant, such as on a product page. This will negate any unnecessary link dilution at the top of your pyramid.


How to Write an Optimized Article


What is Search Engine Optimization?