CIOs Deploying More Green IT

"WWW" in green on a slant against a simple gradient background

According to a new survey by technology firm Ovum (part of research group Datamonitor), an increasing number of Chief Information Officers are now deploying green technologies - such as green hosting - within their organisations. The survey revealed that almost three-quarters of CIOs interviewed had already deployed some sort of green IT within their company, whilst another 8% planned to do so before the end of 2012.

The number of organisations using some sort of green IT has grown from around 68% in the first half of last year to around 73% in the second half.

The motivation for moving to green technology has not just been a growing desire to be more eco-friendly, but also by economic factors; constrained IT budgets and the continuing poor state of the economy have driven budget holders to look to technologies that are potentially cost-saving in their energy efficiencies as well as looking good to users and shareholders.

In Europe as well as the US, a growing realisation that green IT can improve the bottom line and not just improve a corporate image has led to increased serious investment in varying types of green IT. 

According to the author of the report, Rhonda Ascierto, "[Green IT] is now viewed as a core technology that delivers business value by cutting costs and increasing efficiency.” Examples of green IT included web hosting, data centre power and cooling technologies, desktop virtualisation, printing and paper usage management, and power management tools.


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