Google APivotal Green Tech Employees

Those interested in green hosting and other ecology friendly technologies will already have search engine Google on their radar; the company has already shown significant commitment to green and renewable technologies over the last few years.

Now, top jobs that have appeared on Google’s own job site seem to indicate that the technology giant is planning to increase its internal investment in developing green technology and products.

Google is currently advertising five engineer job specialising in renewable energies, including a Head of Renewable Energy Engineering, who will be responsible for “building a team of top technologists to develop disruptive new technologies that dramatically lower the cost of renewable electricity” - a challenge by anyone’s standards.

Other jobs require skills and experience in designing and prototyping utility-scale renewable-energy systems, with potential employees needing to be able to create and review alternative renewable energies such as solar, enhanced geothermal and other "breakthrough technologies" apparently.

Just recently, we wrote about Google’s plans for a seawater cooled data centre, and other recent activities include investment in wind farms in Oklahoma and Oregon, as well as a solar energy project in California.

The company has also just announced it is expanding its current electric vehicle-charging network from 200 to 450 spots, and claims to have the largest charging network for employees in the US. So employees at Google’s HQ now have another benefit to add to the free food, gyms, and haircuts - free electric power for their drive to work.


The Language of Hosting Debunked.


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