SEO Newbies Helped By Periodic Table For SEO

If you are new to the idea of using search engine optimisation (SEO) on your own website to improve your search results, then some simple help is at hand.  Search engine news and research site Search Engine Land has just released a free methodology for SEO newbies to get to grips with the complexities of the market.

Search Engine Land’s “Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors” uses the classic layout taken from the well-known periodic table of elements to lay out and explain a number of SEO concepts.  The idea is to help users figure out what are the most important elements of SEO; what ideas, that are easy to implement, should be prioritised when you are trying to grow traffic?

At present, categories listed on the Periodic Table are:

  • “On The Page” strategies, things that you as the webmaster can control directly, such as site architecture and the content.

  • “Off The Page” things, which may be influenced indirectly, such as reputation and authority.

  • “Violations” which are things that should be avoided, both common problems as well as issues that newer SEO users may not appreciate are problems, such as paid links.

  • “Blocked” which covers things that can cause a problem (e.g. users blocking your site).

The Table aims to highlight, within those categories, the most important factors; for example, with relation to HTML tags in “On the Page” the focus is on titles, descriptions, and headers.

Those who have been immersed in SEO for years might not find anything new here, but it is likely to be a good way of introducing people to the complex world of SEO, as well as providing a handy refresher for everyone else. 

This can be useful for many, from those in web design to those interested in adding to their knowledge of SEO, techniques, tips, and tricks.


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